A brief, speedy collection of work.


short FIlm

When a greedy landlord employs shady tactics to kick out vulnerable tenants, things go south. Quickly.

Written & directed by Brigg Bloomquist



Commercials make up the majority of the work. Large shoots. Small shoots. In countries around the globe for brands like Nike, Apple, Amazon, Intel, eBay, Lego and many more.



Ever read a Darwin Award headline and think “How could this possibly happen??” Well, this show is about how they possibly happened.

Story 1 of pilot episode

Half-hour comedy series created by Jason Tisser & Regan Kline, directed by Brigg Bloomquist


40 Questions

Directed in how many countries? 13

Preferred genres: Thrillers, dark comedy

Preferred Genes: Hackman, Wilder

Hardest location: Beirut, during the garbage strike

Inches taller than Danny Trejo: 10 easy

Inches shorter than Peyton Manning: 4 plus

Where did your first name come? My dad was a big fan of this kind soul

Favorite colorist? Tyler Roth at Company 3

Favorite color? Midnight Pantone 19-4127 TCX

Bond Directors Shadowed: 1, Martin Campbell

Octogenarians tackled on set by jealous septuagenarian: 1

Did you use the take? You bet

Number of world-tallest-mountains visited: 1

Proximity to terribly jet-lagged grizzly bear? 4 feet

First job? Animating for the Astros’ Jumbotron

Hometown? West Des Moines, Iowa

Seriously?  Would I make that up?

Do Iowans say ‘sorry’ a lot? Yep. It’s like our “aloha”

Screamer? Not on set

Is everything a joke to you? Sadly, no

Pyrotechnic experience? Gleefully yes!

Favorite Series? Succession, Atlanta, VEEP, Ripley, The Gentlemen, 30 Rock, In the Thick of It, Andor, The Leftovers

Have you directed any big television shows? I was shortlisted for WB’s new director program

Fastest 13 pages? 6 hours, 5 speaking parts, night shoot, with a company move

VFX work? - Yes, love it

International Airport terminals shut down for a shoot with help from a royal family: 1

Children’s books written/illustrated:  1

Drones crashes on first take: More than zero

Times locked in a closet by a teacher: more than 1

Largest crew: 175

Smallest crew: Um… I’m sure we followed DGA guidelines

Father’s height: 6’7”

Mother’s height: 5’3”

How does that— Let’s not think about it

Number of extras given to fill a sports arena during COVID: 17, and 6 were players

Profession if you weren’t a director? British spy

But you’re not British. And that’s not a question

Longest stretch without chocolate: 5 years

Biggest career goal? Get interviewed by Elvis Mitchell. Hopefully for some John LeCarré adaptation